Consultation appointment photo of rising sun on water bringing warmth and light


In a Consultation, Amy and Athabascar offer spiritual direction, focusing with you on your issues and translating energy from higher realms to assist you.

Your session begins when you make the intention to sign up, and fill in the Consultation Registration Form and pay your tuition. This sends a signal to the universe that you are getting ready for a change in perspective and energy.

When Amy receives your tuition payment and your registration form, she begins working in meditation to assist you.

At the time of your session, you call into a conference number you are given when your appointment is confirmed. Amy will be waiting for you or will arrive shortly.

You begin with a conversation with Amy. Then she centers with prayer and meditation, and goes into an expanded state of consciousness, joining with Athabascar and the Communities of Light to help you. You then have a dialogue with Athabascar about your issues. After, you sit in silence for a little while with all the higher energies, then Athabascar withdraws, Amy returns, you chat together, then say goodbye. If there are any suggestions of homework or followup, Amy will send those via email, usually within a week after the session.

After the session plan on drinking lots of water and taking it easy that day. You may like to have a rest, take a walk, or do other self-care activities for a little while to enjoy the after-space and let the energies continue to resonate.

A session includes nonverbal transmissions of spiritual love, light, and flow. Receiving these energies can help you open up constrictions, connect with higher probable futures, and stimulate insights.  If you are having challenges, you can more easily perceive the gifts they offer for your empowerment and transformation. If you have an important choice to make, exploring the energy on different options with Amy and Athabascar can bring greater clarity.

When Amy started working with Athabascar in 1987 she noticed that often, something good happened afterward—her colicky baby was able to nap, a cold cleared up, etc . She asked, “What causes this?” He explained that his energy field is of a higher vibrational nature and that when you allow him to touch your energy field, you resonate with this higher vibration.  After the Consultation, your inherent, God-given capacity for learning, self-healing, reorganization, and evolution takes over. An intuitive part of you naturally knows how take that transmission of nourishing energy from the Consultation and use it to grow and co-create change.

If you’d like to work with RoseLight energies to prepare for or integrate your Consultation transmission, please check the list of all our home study meditations and see if there are any that would be supportive for you right now.